** This is not a sponsored post.**
Messy bun, PJs, no make up, the cliché reasons we like to not have to get out of the car for groceries! There is actually way more to making your grocery shopping online! It changed my weekends. As a working mom of 2, it simplified my life so much.
Planning made easy
Getting organized for your week ahead feels amazing! Meal planning becomes part of the whole process:
Check your fridge, pantry and freezer: What can you use for your meals this week and what do you need?
You won't buy an item anymore just because you have a doubt if you have it at home or not. You can check your kitchen any time during your shopping 'trip'.
In a previous post, I had shared some valuable tips about saving time and money by planning your weekly menu, you should read it or save it for later! Cooking a few batches, planning according to your fatigue, leftovers, etc... Go ahead and make your grocery shopping online right now!
Making a menu and a proper list is a no-brainer when it comes to staying within your budget. Doing your grocery shopping online helps you:
No impulse buy: You won't buy an item because it's on sale and right there calling your name or almost jumping in your card.
Respect your list & your budget: You can see how much your cart is worth and stay aware of your spending.
Online Grocery Shopping: Lifesaver
One less chore: Whether you are a parent or not, our chore list is quite lengthy and making it shorter is always a great idea!
Parent life: Weekends fly by and after laundry, cleaning and homework, I'm glad shopping has been covered and just requires a pick-up. You can focus on what matters! It's cliché I know. However, since I became a Mom, a quote that sticks with me is "The days might be long but the years fly by".
Online Grocery Shopping: Time saver
Whenever it's convenient for you: ''Add butter to the list'' Done. You open your computer and leave the tab open. Not going to the grocery store to shop will save you a good 2 hours a week.
Quick process: I personally use Superstore (this is not a sponsored post) and my previous list and frequent items are offered as I open my account. BAM! Already half of the list is covered!
I actually also enjoy shopping, it also a source of inspiration but for this season of my life, this works best for me. What about you? How do you do your grocery shopping? Have you been hesitant to make them online?
Superstore is the best choice for me for a few reasons:
- Previous and frequent items feature helps me a lot
- It's part of the President Choice group (PC Plus points + MC is a big thing for me)
- You can add comments and preferences to particular items (fruits and veggies chosen as YOU like them)
- I bring my OWN bags!
Convinced :) ?
thefoodblognet says
I'm in love with on-line grocery shopping! For all the reasons you mention. Great post!
Mélanie says
Thank you so much for stopping by and reading my article :)
Elaine says
Online grocery shopping is the best! One of the things I was worried about when I was first considering it was the quality of the produce I would receive. Not a problem at all! They always select the best fruit and veggies for me. A real time and money-saver!
Mélanie says
Hi Elaine, I was also reluctant at first too because I like to choose my produce but I gave it a try and never looked back!
Sabrina Currie says
Yes! I haven’t made a habit of online grocery shopping but I love the point of not wasting because you can’t remember what’s in your fridge and of avoiding the impulse buys! Excellent points, I may try to make this a new habit.